2013 Excavation at Skuggi

Excavation at the site of Skuggi, in Hörgárdalur, Iceland in 2009 revealed that our midden was lying within a small structure.

Work was resumed at Skuggi in June, 2013. A team of archaeologists from the CUNY Graduate Center, led by Ramona Harrison and Howell Roberts (FSI), participated.

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Long overdue Barbuda update

I apologize for the long delay in updates from Barbuda.  Island life can be less than ideal when it comes to certain amenities, like Internet access, and effective bug repellent, and good coffee, but I digress.  I am now back in NYC and working on the post-excavation analysis and video editing from Seaview.

After . . . → Read More: Long overdue Barbuda update

The field school is underway

Seaview site prior to clearing of vegetation

Since my last stint in the field, in Iceland last summer, I have swapped the midnight sun for starlit nights and midges for mosquitos.  And after much planning, gear purchasing, travelling, organizing, equipment sorting, car renting, food buying, and then accounting for everything we forgot, . . . → Read More: The field school is underway