2013 Excavation at Skuggi

Excavation at the site of Skuggi, in Hörgárdalur, Iceland in 2009 revealed that our midden was lying within a small structure.

Work was resumed at Skuggi in June, 2013. A team of archaeologists from the CUNY Graduate Center, led by Ramona Harrison and Howell Roberts (FSI), participated.

We . . . → Read More: 2013 Excavation at Skuggi

Barbuda video project and materiality in education

In attempting to finish up the video project that I started two years ago, I’ve been thinking a lot about the connection between materiality and learning.  How is it that using tools, ie tactile, physical, tangible things, helps us learn?  Maybe the idea of “using” tools is too limiting, so how about understanding the . . . → Read More: Barbuda video project and materiality in education

Student’s video insights from Seaview

As mentioned earlier, one aim of the project in Barbuda was to allow the field school students to record personal video footage of their experiences.  My hope was that these videos would provide a different frame of reference for the public and at the same time give the students a tool with which to . . . → Read More: Student’s video insights from Seaview

Long overdue Barbuda update

I apologize for the long delay in updates from Barbuda.  Island life can be less than ideal when it comes to certain amenities, like Internet access, and effective bug repellent, and good coffee, but I digress.  I am now back in NYC and working on the post-excavation analysis and video editing from Seaview.

After . . . → Read More: Long overdue Barbuda update

The field school is underway

Seaview site prior to clearing of vegetation

Since my last stint in the field, in Iceland last summer, I have swapped the midnight sun for starlit nights and midges for mosquitos.  And after much planning, gear purchasing, travelling, organizing, equipment sorting, car renting, food buying, and then accounting for everything we forgot, . . . → Read More: The field school is underway

Barbuda field school and interactive technology and pedagogy video project

This January will mark the fourth consecutive season of the Barbuda archaeology field school, organized by Prof. Sophia Perdikaris from Brooklyn College.  A group of ten undergraduate students from across the CUNY system will participate in three weeks of excavation at the coastal site of Seaview, as well as attend lectures and conduct group . . . → Read More: Barbuda field school and interactive technology and pedagogy video project

Beginning of the End: Part 2

Area H shown partially finished

The excavation in Area H, which was a continuation of a trench begun two years earlier, proved very fruitful.  It was from this trench that the majority of bones and artifacts were recovered.  As the season began we had hoped to complete this area, getting down through . . . → Read More: Beginning of the End: Part 2

Beginning of the End: Part 1

REU students Kim and Erin seiving

I apologize as it has been awhile since my last update.  As is usually the case, the last week or so on site is very hectic, this season being no different.  Also contributing to the delay has been the fact I’ve been on the road continuously . . . → Read More: Beginning of the End: Part 1

Dirt, bones, buckets, and smoking pipes…and midges

Composite knife – bone and iron

Site update!  We are approximately halfway through the field season here and things are moving along very smoothly.  In Area E, where most of our focus has been, we have excavated down to a context between the 1410 and 1300 tephra layers.  Making it to this . . . → Read More: Dirt, bones, buckets, and smoking pipes…and midges

Excursion to Svartárkot

Map of Lake Mývatn region showing locations of Skutustaðir and Svartárkot

On Sunday evening I left for an excursion into the interior of Iceland with three others to explore Svartárkot, another archaeological site.  Svartárkot is located 30 km south southwest from our current location at Skutustaðir, and approximately 75 km from the coast.  . . . → Read More: Excursion to Svartárkot